Nick Stephens

I’ll be singing my songs of Grace with Nick Arthur on percussion and vocals. World-class violinist William Davidson has also offered to help out with my uber-rude-to-human-pride, family-friendly Gospel songs. I play bass and guitar parts simultaneously on the big fat strings you can see in the photo.

Here’s some links to my songs: 

Here’s a video of my first 4 songs from the Local & Live live-stream gig I did during the covid lockdown:

My Facebook and Instagram videos are short songs and excerpts and new ideas that go out every few days straight through my mobile phone with no studio gear:

Please come and say hello, it’s free! 


SuperZero Band


Local band SuperZero delivers hard-hitting rock with a bluesy edge. Drawing inspiration from legends like Clutch, Black Sabbath, and The

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Ryan Weeks

Ryan Weeks

Ryan is a singer songwriter initially from Tunbridge Wells, Kent. He started playing guitar as a distraction from his college

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